Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sugar Situation

Effect of Sugar on White Blood Cell Activity

                                                    Number of Bacteria
Amount Refined                          a WBC Can Destroy                    Decrease in
Sugar Consumed                        in 1/2-Hour                                   Immunity

No sugar                                            14                                                 0%

6 teaspoons                                       10                                                25%
(=8 oz of soft drink)               

12 teaspoons                                    5.5                                                60%
(= frosted brownie)

18 teaspoons                                       2                                                85%
(=apple pie á la mode)

24 teaspoons                                       1                                                92%
(= banana split)

Uncontrolled Diabetic                          1                                                92%


(Special Note:  A 12-ounce can of soda contains 9 teaspoons of sugar.

An 8-ounce serving of fruit-flavored yogurt contains almost as much.)


Sugar impairs the functioning of your immune system.  The previous chart shows how refined sugar weakens white blood cells.  White blood cells are essential to your state of health; they eat-up foreign invaders and seek-out to destroy cancerous cells.  When sugar is consumed, your immune system is weakened.  You and your family will “get sick” and be given antibiotics, and again begins the downward spiral of poor health.  Flu season starts in America around Halloween and continues through into the spring consuming “cookies” and Easter candy.  The “flu bug” is not necessarily an invader.  You have various “bugs” in you.  When you consume sugar, your immune system is weakened.  The unfriendly “critters” take over and you get sick.  Not all people “catch” the flu.  Patients in my practice who understand this DO NOT GET SICK.     

Eliminate your sugar consumption - You'll be glad you did!

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